Thursday, September 30, 2010

College Bound... Next Year (thank goodness...)

Well, Saturday my daughter and I are taking her first college visit... Where on earth did the time go? I can't believe my baby girl will be making a decision on which college to attend within the next couple months. I'm not sure I'm ready for it. I have very mixed emotions. I'm so excited for her as I never went to college, but I am going to miss her like all get-out. It won't be the same around here without her. :( For now, I'm just going to enjoy the whole process with her and the time we're getting to spend together.

Well, until next time...

Card Crazy!

Don't have much to say other than here's some more of my cards that I've made recently.

I made this card for my niece's sweet sixteen birthday. I added a pocket to the tag for the gift card.

I made this pop-up gift card holder for my nephew's sixteenth birthday.

Until next time...

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Some More New Cards

Here's four more cards I've done recently. Now that the weather is turning cooler, I'm getting a bit more motivation to be creative. Enjoy!

This digi-stamp came from the Cutting Cafe. Regina has the most awesome digital stamps and cut files!

This one is a tri-fold card.

I made this one for our interim Pastor on his last day with us. I enclosed a gift certificate for the local coffee shop. Got the pattern from the Cutting Cafe.

Well, until next time!

SRM Sticker Challenge

Here's my interpretation of the sketch challenge over at SRM Stickers.

The Sketch:

And my card:

Until next time...

Sunday, September 26, 2010

I've Been A Very Busy Card Maker!

I've been very busy the last two weekends making lots of cards for Operation Write Home and to stock my own coiffures! I haven't scrapped or made cards much at all this summer. Hubby and I have been riding the Harley every chance we get and I kind of feel guilty sitting inside when it's nice outside anyway. Gotta take advantage of the nice weather while it's here! Winter comes all too soon... Anyway, here's some cards to check out now. I'll be posting a few every day until you get to see them all!

I made this card for a friend that just bought her own Harley. We gave her a Harley care kit that my hubby assembled to celebrate her purchase!

The following two cards were a fun technique. I randomly stamped the flower onto a white note card. Then I brushed liquid glue onto the entire surface. Crumple tissue paper, unfold it and lay on notecard. Don't smooth it out. Leave the wrinkles in it! I then used a brayer over the surface. Pretty cool outcome!

Well, until next time...